1. "Toplofikatsiya Plovdiv Sever" AD - Design, programming, implementation, commissioning and start up of a Distributed Control System (DCS) at Boiler No.2 – 1993-1996 and consecutive modifications - 1999
Honeywell TDC 3000 System - Local Control Network (LCN) – 1993-1996, 1999, connecting the following equipment:
- Universal Stations (US);
- History Module (HM);
- Application Module (AM);
- Network Interface Module (NIM) and
Universal Control Network (UCN), connecting
- Advanced Process Managers (APM).
2. OC "Mladost" EAD – Vratsa - Design, programming, implementation, commissioning and start up of a Distributed Control System (DCS) at CH Boilers – 1995-1996
- Honeywell Plantscape SCADA System;
- Controllers Series 9000.
3. TEC "Bobov dol" AD - Design, programming, implementation, commissioning and start up of Distributed Control Systems (DCS) at Power Generation Units No.1, 2 and 3 – 2000-2004
Honeywell TPN 3000 System - Local Control Networks (LCN), connecting the following equipment:
- Global Universal Stations (GUS);
- History Module (HM);
- Process History Data (PHD);
- Application Node (APP);
- Network Interface Module (NIM) and
Universal Control Networks (UCN), connecting the following equipment:
- High Performance Process Managers (HPM);
- Fail Safety Controllers (FSC).
4. TEC "Maritsa Iztok 2" EAD - Design, programming, implementation, commissioning and start up of Distributed Control Systems (DCS) at Power Generation Units No.1, 3 and 4 – 2006-2009
- Honeywell Experion EPKS System;
- Profibus Interface;
- Controllers C200;
- Safety Managers (SM).
5. TEC "Maritsa Iztok 2" EAD – Upgrade of the system and application software of all automation control systems in Units 1, 2 and 4. Redesign, programming and installation of the Power Plant Network. May – August 2012.
- Honeywell Experion EPKS R301.3;
- Profibus interface;
- C200 controllers;
- Safety Managers (ESD).
6. TEC "Maritsa Iztok 2" EAD – Design, configuration and programming of Distributed Control System (DCS) at Power Generation Unit No.7 – Functional Design Specification (FDS), Detail Design Specification (DDS). Lead Engineering. April – August 2013.
- Honeywell Experion EPKS R410;
- Profibus interface;
- C300 controllers;
- Safety Manager (ESD).
7. TEC "Maritsa Iztok 2" EAD – DCS acceptance tests, commissioning, on-site and start-up activities and "as built" documentation - Power Generation Unit No.7.
March – December 2014
- Honeywell Experion EPKS R410;
- Profibus Interface;
- C300 controllers;
- Safety Managers;
- Network.
8. TEC "Maritsa Iztok 2" EAD – DCS Upgrade, Start-up and commissioning – Power generation Unit No.1.
February – May 2015
- Honeywell Experion EPKS R410;
- Profibus Interface;
- C300 controllers;
- Safety Managers;
- Network.